Criteria will only trigger if ALL present thresholds (comment, submission, total) are met
A string containing a comparison operator and a value to compare filtered (using include
or exclude
, if present) comments against
The syntax is (< OR > OR <= OR >=) <number>[percent sign] [OP]
> 100
=> greater than 100 comments<= 75%
=> comments are equal to or less than 75% of unfiltered ActivitiesIf your string also contains the text OP
somewhere after <number>[percent sign]
> 100 OP
=> greater than 100 filtered comments as OP<= 25% as OP
=> Filtered comments as OP were less then or equal to 25% of unfiltered Comments^\s*(>|>=|<|<=)\s*(\d+)\s*(%?)(.*)$
The minimum number of filtered activities that must exist from the window
results for this criteria to run
A string containing a comparison operator and a value to compare filtered (using include
or exclude
, if present) submissions against
The syntax is (< OR > OR <= OR >=) <number>[percent sign]
> 100
=> greater than 100 filtered submissions<= 75%
=> filtered submissions are equal to or less than 75% of unfiltered Activities^\s*(>|>=|<|<=)\s*(\d+)\s*(%?)(.*)$
A string containing a comparison operator and a value to compare filtered (using include
or exclude
) activities against
Note: This is only useful if using include
or exclude
otherwise percent will always be 100% and total === activityTotal
The syntax is (< OR > OR <= OR >=) <number>[percent sign] [OP]
> 100
=> greater than 100 filtered activities<= 75%
=> filtered activities are equal to or less than 75% of all Activities^\s*(>|>=|<|<=)\s*(\d+)\s*(%?)(.*)$
anyOf [DurationObject, FullActivityWindowConfig, string ∪ number]
A value to define the range of Activities to retrieve.
Acceptable values:
Allows specify multiple range properties and more specific behavior
A number
of Activities to retrieve
=> 100 ActivitiesAny of the below values that specify the amount of time to subtract from NOW
to create a time range IE NOW <---> [duration] ago
Acceptable values:
A string
consisting of a value and a Day.js time UNIT
9 days
=> Range is NOW <---> 9 days ago
A Day.js object
{"days": 90, "minutes": 15}
=> Range is NOW <---> 90 days and 15 minutes ago
An ISO 8601 duration string
=> 15 minutes => Range is NOW <----> 15 minutes ago